Will You Be Needing Handicap Help When You Arrive In San Antonio?

Are you headed to San Antonio, Texas, for part of your holidays? Maybe you are going to the Alamo City to have Thanksgiving with friends. Or, it might be that you are going to spend Christmas in San Antonio with family members. Have you been to San Antonio before? If so, you already know what a diverse and charming city it is. If this is your first visit to San Antonio, it probably won't be your last, as you're likely to fall in love and leave your heart there.

Will you be flying into San Antonio? Is anybody in your group disabled? Do you have all of your plans made already? If so, then you don't need to keep reading. However, if you are still in the planning stages of your trip, from arranging for handicap transport to planning your activities once you arrive, here are some ideas that might help you.

Arrange For Handicap Transport - No matter the scenario that takes you to San Antonio, if somebody in your group is disabled, you have extra plans to make, right? Even before you leave your own town, make sure that there will be suitable transportation for yourself or for anybody else in your group that will need special services. A van with a ramp as part of its design will be a perfect solution that will help the disabled person enter the vehicle and then ride in comfort. 

Perhaps your hosts will have already considered the fact that you'll need space to put a wheelchair. If your hosts will be picking you up, of course you'll want to tactfully remind them that, besides your suitcase, you'll need extra trunk space. With that in mind, your hosts might actually bring a second car, or they might even rent a vehicle that provides for disabled transport. 

Places You'll See - You'll be happy to know that San Antonio will have plenty of handicapped parking spaces no matter where you go. And, there will be ramps that make it easier to go into places like restaurants and local attractions. Even the famous Riverwalk will be smooth enough for a wheelchair.

While there are charming towns right outside of San Antonio, some of them are in pretty rugged terrain. For example, if you go to Gruene or to Wimberly, just know that riding in a wheelchair might be somewhat bumpy. However, the scenery is so special that you'll be glad your vehicle can ride through the streets with no problem at all. For more information, contact a handicap transport company in the area.
