More Than Just A Quick Ride: Other Services Offered By Cab Companies

Everybody knows that taxi cab companies will pick up fares and take them wherever they need to go. What you may not realize is that the typical cab service offers more than just a one way trip for customers. Here are some of the other types of support that you can receive from a cab company.

Package Pickup and Delivery

Taxis can be used to transport things other than people. Many cabbies will gladly pick up anything from a set of documents to a pot of soup and take it to an address across town. This means if your best friend is laid up at home with a cold, you can make him or her something good to eat, call for a cab, and it will be at their door before it has a chance to cool.

Dedicated or Standing Trips

It is not unusual for a taxi cab service to provide what is known as standing or dedicated trips. For example, a health issue may require that you travel to and from a clinic or hospital daily for a treatment. If driving is out of the question, it is possible to set up a daily round trip with a local cab company. A cab will pick you up in time to make the appointment, and be waiting when it's time to come back home. The standing daily trip can remain in place until your doctor decides that you no longer need those daily treatments.

Another example of a dedicated fare involves getting the kids to school every day.  While the family car is in the shop, it's easy enough to arrange for a cab to pick them up in the morning, and return them home in the afternoon. Opting for a dedicated trip means that you don't have to worry about calling the night before and setting up the fares for the following day.

Taking Care of Your Party Guests

How many times have you hosted a party and had one or two guests imbibe a little too much? The last thing you want them to do is get behind the wheels of their cars. Did you know that it's easy to arrange for a cab to show up at your home and remain there for the duration of the party?  If anyone gets a little tipsy, you can put them in the cab and rest assured the driver will deliver your friend to his or her door safely. All you have to pay is a per-hour fee for however many hours you want the cab to be standing by.

Shuttling Clients Around Town

If you have clients from out of town, arranging transportation for them is a nice touch. Many cab companies have special business packages that include getting clients to and from the airport, driving them to your office each day, and even providing them with a way to get out and see some of the local sights while they are in town. You may even find that the cab company will set up a corporate account and invoice you for the services at the end of the month.

If you need to make some sort of arrangements for transportation in or around the city, call the dispatcher at the local taxi company today. After explaining what you have in mind, there is a good chance that the company already has a program or service in place that will meet that need. From there, it is just a matter of working out the fare logistics, obtaining a quote, setting up the schedule for those fares, and making arrangements to pay for the services rendered.
